- aba formal opinion
- access to civil justice
- advance deposit
- adversity
- advertising
- advisory opinion
- aggregate settlement
- AI
- alcohol
- alcohol use in profession
- amendment
- amendments
- animal cruelty
- anti-bias
- anti-contact
- anti-contact rule
- anti-discrimination
- anti-haraassment
- anti-harrasment
- appeals
- arbitration
- arbitration agreements
- astroturfing
- attorney-client privilege
- attorney client privilege
- avoiding discipline
- avvo
- calendaring
- candid advice
- caperton
- capitial defense
- cell phone
- cell phones
- changing firms
- character and fitness
- chat feature
- Chat GPT
- ChatGPT
- cle
- clerk of court
- client
- client crimes
- client files
- client frauds
- client funds
- client intake
- client perjury
- client property
- cloud
- cloud computing
- coaching client
- coba
- code of civil procedure
- collateral source rule
- collectability
- commercial speech
- commingling
- communiaction
- communicating with represented person
- communication
- communication assistants
- communications with represented party
- communication with represented persons
- comparative ethics
- competence
- complaints
- conduct prejudicial to administration of justice
- confidential information
- confidentiality
- conflict
- conflict of interest
- conflicts
- consent
- contacts
- contact with represented person
- contingency fee
- contingent fee
- continuing duty to supplement
- conversion
- copyright infringement
- courtroom decorum
- COVID-19
- crimin
- criminal conduct
- criminal defense
- criticizing judge
- cross-exam
- cross-examination
- crowdfunding
- current clients
- damages
- DA subpoenas
- deadlines
- death of client
- death penalty
- deceit
- deceptive
- defamation
- delegation
- de minimis violations
- departing lawyer
- departure from law firm
- deposition
- diligence
- diminishing returns
- direct contact
- disabilities
- disability
- disability inactive
- disasters
- disbarment
- disciplinary complaints
- Discipline
- disclaimers
- disclosure
- disclosure obligations
- disclosures
- discounts
- discovery
- discrimination
- disengagement letter
- dishonesty
- disqualification
- diversity
- document gathering
- doj
- drug testing
- dual purpose
- dwi
- fairness to opposing party
- fake subpoenas
- false
- false advertising
- false and misleading
- false statement
- false statements to third persons
- false statements to tribunals
- federalism
- fee agreements
- fee arbitration
- fee dispute
- fee division
- fee financing
- fees
- fees after termination
- fee sharing
- fee sharing with nonlawyers
- fiduciary duty
- filing number
- financial assistance
- financial obligations
- first amendment
- fitness to practice
- fixed fees
- flat fee
- flat fees
- Formal Opinion
- Formal Opinion 507
- former-client conflicts
- former clients
- fraud
- free spech
- free speech
- friending
- frivolous
- funny
- language
- law firm
- law firms
- law schools
- lawyer-client agreements
- lawyer-client privilege
- lawyer-witness
- lawyer advertising
- lawyer well-being
- lead generator
- leaving law firm
- leeching
- legal advice
- legal education
- legal ethics
- legal ethics book
- legal fees
- legal malpractice
- legislature
- levy
- lies
- limited scope representation
- litigation expenses
- litigation financing
- lobbying
- logic games
- logic reasonsing
- louisiana constitution
- louisiana legislature
- lsba
- LSBA filing number
- malpractice
- malpractice insurance
- mandate
- mandatory bar
- marijuana
- material adversity
- materially limited
- mental health
- misconduct online
- misdemeanors
- misleading
- misleading advertising
- misrepresentation
- missing client
- mitigation
- mobile slider
- model rules vs. louisiana rules
- money laundering
- multijurisdictional practice
- paperless
- paperless practice
- paralegal
- paralegals
- pareto principle
- past results
- payments to witnesses
- peremption
- permanent disbarment
- personal interest of the lawyer
- personal jurisdiction
- personal relationships
- phantom hours
- pit bull
- political office
- practice of law
- pre-file
- prejudice
- prejudicial to administration of justice
- preserve records
- private
- private investigators
- private speech
- pro bono
- profanity
- professional autonomy
- professional independence
- professionalism
- profiles
- pro se
- prosecutorial misconduct
- prosecutors
- prospective client
- prospective clients
- race
- reasomable fee
- reconcile
- reconciliation
- recording
- record keeping
- recusal
- referral fees
- referrals
- refunds
- reimbursment agreement
- reinstatement
- remedial measures
- reply to all
- reporting misconduct
- represented litigant
- represented persons
- represented unrepresented
- respect interest of third party
- responding to a bar complaint
- retainer
- right of client to choose
- rule 1.1
- rule 11
- rule changes
- rule of law
- Rule XXX
- safekeeping property
- sale of a law practice
- sale of law practice
- sales tax
- same-sex marriages
- same-sex weddings
- sanctions
- screening
- second opinion
- secrecy
- secret recording
- seizure
- self-report
- self-reporting
- service
- settlement authority
- sex
- sex with clients
- sharing office space
- significant risk
- signing pleadings
- Sixth Amendment
- smart phone
- social media
- solicitation
- soloicitation
- specialist
- specialization
- spoliation
- spouse
- spouse business relationship
- statistics
- subordinate lawyers
- subpoenas
- subscription
- substance abuse
- succession lawyers
- succession plan
- succession representatives
- succubus
- super lawyers
- supervise
- supervising lawyer
- supervision
- supervisory lawyers
- switch
- 1.0(c)
- 1.0(e)
- 1.1
- 1.1(c)
- 1.2
- 1.2(a)
- 1.2(d)
- 1.3
- 1.4
- 1.5
- 1.5(a)
- 1.5(b)
- 1.5(e)
- 1.5(f)
- 1.5(f)(2)
- 1.5(f)(5)
- 1.6
- 1.6(a)
- 1.6(b)
- 1.6(b)(5)
- 1.6(b)(6)
- 1.6(c)
- 1.7
- 1.7(a)(1)
- 1.8
- 1.8(a)
- 1.8(e)
- 1.8(g)
- 1.8(h)
- 1.8(j)
- 1.9
- 1.9(a)
- 1.9(b)
- 1.9(c)
- 1.10
- 1.10(a)
- 1.14
- 1.15
- 1.15(a)
- 1.15(e)
- 1.15(f)
- 1.15(h)
- 1.16
- 1.16(c)
- 1.16(d)
- 1.17
- 1.18
- 1.19
- 151(b)