The Ethical Pitfalls of Virtual Eavesdropping

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The COVID-19 pandemic presented a variety of challenges for practicing lawyers throughout the country. Among these challenges are the professional and ethical implications involved in participating in legal proceedings and …

Judge Expressly Orders Lawyer to Violate Rules of Professional Conduct

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It is not uncommon for public defenders in Louisiana to complain that being forced to handle an excessive criminal-defense caseload violates Louisiana Rule of Professional Conduct 1.1. That rule requires …

Idaho Becomes Seventh State to Reject ABA’s Model Anti-Discrimination Rule

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On September 10, 2018, the Idaho Supreme Court Supreme Court rejected efforts to amend the Idaho Rules of Professional Conduct to add the anti-discrimination provision now included in ABA Model …

ABA Adopts Broad Anti-Harassment Rule. Will Louisiana Follow?

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On August 8, 2016, the ABA House of Delegates amended Model Rule 8.4 to include a broad anti-discrimination and anti-harassment provision, and three revised comments. The amendment, which was sponsored by …

New Orleans Lawyer Suspended for Retaining Co-Counsel Solely to Force Judge Porteous’s Recusal

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On May 4, 2016, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit affirmed the suspension of New Orleans lawyer Joseph N. Mole from the practice of law in …