What Should I Do With Funds in Trust When I Can’t Find the Client?

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In 2016, the Louisiana Supreme Court amended Rule 1.15 to provide guidance to lawyers as to the what to do with “Unidentified Funds” in a trust account. See Order Amending …

Disbarment for Phone Sex

On January 4, 2017, the New Jersey Supreme Court disbarred a lawyer for, among other things, using client trust funds to pay for phone sex. See In re James P. Madden, …

What Portions of a Lawyer’s File Must Be Surrendered to the Client?

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Your representation is over. Whether it ended through completion of the underlying matter or through your termination by the client, what portions of the file must you surrender to your client (or …

New Rule Requires Quarterly Reconciliation of Lawyer Trust Accounts

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On January 13, 2015, the Louisiana Supreme Court adopted a Louisiana State Bar Association recommendation to amend Rule 1.15 to require periodic reconciliations of client trust accounts. See La. Sup. Ct. Order of Jan. …