Sloppy Arbitration Clauses are Unenforceable
On December 30, 2021, the Louisiana First Circuit Court of Appeals refused to enforce a lawyer-client arbitration clause because the lawyer failed to explain to the client “the consequences of …
On December 30, 2021, the Louisiana First Circuit Court of Appeals refused to enforce a lawyer-client arbitration clause because the lawyer failed to explain to the client “the consequences of …
Louisiana lawyers who advertise have long faced scrutiny from the Louisiana legislature, the Louisiana Supreme Court, the Office of Disciplinary Counsel, and the Louisiana State Bar Association. But this year …
On November 12, 2021, the Tennessee Court of Appeals held that a lawyer breached his fiduciary duty to his client by failing to bill in accordance with the provisions of …
Discovery is a critical component of any personal injury case. Lawyers send interrogatories, request independent medical examinations, notice depositions, and request documents during this fact gathering stage. Most obviously, defense …
On November 1, 2021, the New Jersey Supreme Court censured lawyer Kevin Regan for failing to treat litigants with courtesy and for engaging in professional conduct involving discrimination. In the …
On September 14, 2021, the Louisiana Supreme Court enacted a new section 6 to Louisiana Supreme Court Rule XVIII (“Roll of Attorneys.”) See La.S.Ct.R. XVIII, § 6. The new Section …
On July 2, 2021, the United States Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in companion cases out of Texas and Louisiana held that states cannot force lawyers to join a bar …
Yes, the Louisiana Rules of Professional Conduct clearly permit partnerships between Louisiana lawyers and non-Louisiana lawyers. The relevant rule, La. Rules of Prof’l Conduct, r. 7.10(d) provides as follows: A …
The Tennessee Supreme Court recently suspended a lawyer from the practice of law for publicly posting comments on Facebook with instructions on how to shoot someone and avoid criminal responsibility …
On December 21, 2020, the Supreme Court of New Jersey refused to enforce a lawyer-client arbitration clause because the lawyer failed give the client an “explanation of the advantages or …