Former Louisiana Rule of Professional Conduct Rule 2.2–as well as former ABA Model Rule 2.2–addressed a lawyer’s obligations when functioning as an “Intermediary.” In 2002, the ABA deleted Model Rule 2.2 on recommendation of the ABA Ethics 2000 Commission. The Commission believed that neither the concept of “intermediation” (as distinct from either “representation” or “mediation”) nor the relationship between Rules 2.2 and 1.7 had been well understood by practicing lawyers. For this reason, the Commission recommended that the ABA delete the rule entirely and address the issues associated with intermediation in Comment to Rule 1.7. See Model Rules of Prof’l Conduct R. 1.7 cmts. 26-29 (Am. Bar Ass’n). When the Louisiana Supreme Court adopted the revised Model Rules in January 2004, it followed the lead of the ABA and deleted this rule from the Louisiana Rules of Professional Conduct.
This page was updated on January 20, 2018.